Azurite in Docker: Conquering the 403 Response When Accessing Through a Web Browser
Image by Livie -

Azurite in Docker: Conquering the 403 Response When Accessing Through a Web Browser

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Are you tired of staring at the dreaded 403 response when trying to access Azurite in Docker through your web browser? You’re not alone! In this article, we’ll embark on a quest to conquer this frustrating issue and get you up and running with Azurite in no time.

What is Azurite?

Azurite is an open-source, cross-platform, and lightweight Azure Blob Storage emulator. It’s a fantastic tool for developers to test and develop Azure Blob Storage-dependent applications locally. However, when running Azurite in a Docker container, you might encounter the 403 response issue, which can be a real showstopper.

The 403 Response Conundrum

When you try to access Azurite in Docker through a web browser, you might encounter the following error:

HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
Content-Length: 123
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8


This error occurs because the Azurite container doesn’t allow anonymous access by default. But fear not, young developer! We’ll tackle this issue step by step.

Step 1: Create a Dockerfile for Azurite

First, let’s create a Dockerfile to build our Azurite image. Create a new file named `Dockerfile` with the following content:


EXPOSE 10000

CMD ["Azurite", "--blobHost", "", "--blobPort", "10000"]

Save the file and build the Docker image by running the following command:

docker build -t my-azurite-image .

Step 2: Run the Azurite Container

Now, let’s run the Azurite container using the following command:

docker run -p 10000:10000 my-azurite-image

This command maps port 10000 on the host machine to port 10000 inside the container. You can now access Azurite by visiting `http://localhost:10000` in your web browser.

Step 3: Configure Azurite for Anonymous Access

By default, Azurite doesn’t allow anonymous access. To enable it, you’ll need to pass the `–allowAnonymous` flag when running the container. Update the `docker run` command as follows:

docker run -p 10000:10000 my-azurite-image --allowAnonymous

Alternatively, you can add the following line to the `CMD` instruction in your `Dockerfile`:

CMD ["Azurite", "--blobHost", "", "--blobPort", "10000", "--allowAnonymous"]

Rebuild the Docker image and run the container again:

docker build -t my-azurite-image .
docker run -p 10000:10000 my-azurite-image

Step 4: Verify Azurite Access

Now, open a web browser and navigate to `http://localhost:10000`. You should see the Azurite dashboard without encountering the 403 response.

Common Issues and Troubleshooting

If you’re still experiencing issues, here are some common problems and their solutions:

Issue Solution
Error: ” Azurite is not running or not reachable” Check the Docker container logs for errors: `docker logs -f my-azurite-container`
Error: “Connection refused” Verify that the container is running and port 10000 is exposed: `docker ps -a` and `docker port my-azurite-container 10000`
Error: “403 Forbidden” (after enabling anonymous access) Check the Azurite configuration file for any conflicting settings: `docker exec -it my-azurite-container cat /app/azurite.cfg`


By following these steps, you should now be able to access Azurite in Docker through a web browser without encountering the 403 response. Remember to enable anonymous access and verify the container logs for any issues. With Azurite up and running, you can focus on developing your Azure Blob Storage-dependent applications with confidence.

Additional Resources

For more information on Azurite and Docker, check out the following resources:

Happy coding, and may the Azurite be with you!


Here are some frequently asked questions about Azurite in Docker:

  1. Q: What is the default port for Azurite?

    A: The default port for Azurite is 10000.

  2. Q: Can I use Azurite with Azure Functions?

    A: Yes, Azurite can be used with Azure Functions for local development and testing.

  3. Q: Is Azurite compatible with multiple storage accounts?

    A: Yes, Azurite supports multiple storage accounts and allows you to switch between them using the `–account` flag.

I hope this article has helped you overcome the 403 response issue when accessing Azurite in Docker through a web browser. If you have any further questions or concerns, feel free to ask in the comments below!

Frequently Asked Question

Having trouble accessing Azurite in Docker and getting a 403 response? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Check out these FAQs to resolve the issue.

What is Azurite and why am I getting a 403 response?

Azurite is a open-source emulator for Azure Blob Storage, and the 403 response usually indicates a permission issue. Make sure you have the correct permissions and configuration set up in your Docker container.

How do I check the permissions for my Azurite container?

You can check the permissions by running the command `docker container ls` to list all running containers, then `docker exec -it bash` to access the container’s shell. From there, you can use the `ls` command to check the permissions of the directories and files.

What if I’m still getting a 403 response after checking the permissions?

Try checking the Azurite configuration file to ensure that the `anonymousAccess` setting is set to `true`. You can do this by running the command `docker exec -it cat /app/azurite/config.json` and looking for the `anonymousAccess` property.

How do I update the Azurite configuration file?

You can update the configuration file by running the command `docker exec -it nano /app/azurite/config.json` to edit the file in the container. Make sure to restart the container after making changes.

What if I’m still having trouble after trying all these steps?

If you’re still having trouble, try checking the Docker container logs for any errors or issues using the command `docker container logs `. You can also try searching online for similar issues or seeking help from the Azurite community.