Mastering ncurses with Python: Ending Textbox when the user types ESC
Image by Livie -

Mastering ncurses with Python: Ending Textbox when the user types ESC

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Are you tired of dealing with tedious input methods in your terminal-based applications? Do you want to take your Python skills to the next level by learning how to harness the power of ncurses? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll dive into the world of ncurses and explore how to end a textbox when the user types ESC, all within the comfort of Python.

What is ncurses?

NCurses (new curses) is a programming library for creating text-based user interfaces in a terminal-independent manner. It provides a powerful set of functions for creating and managing windows, handling input, and manipulating the screen. By using ncurses, you can create robust, portable, and highly interactive terminal applications that will leave your users amazed.

Why Python?

Python is an ideal language for working with ncurses due to its ease of use, flexibility, and extensive libraries. With Python, you can take advantage of ncurses’ powerful features while also leveraging Python’s simplicity and readability. By combining these two technologies, you’ll be able to create stunning terminal applications that are both efficient and effective.

Setting up ncurses with Python

Before we dive into the meat of the matter, let’s get our environment set up. To use ncurses with Python, you’ll need to install the following packages:

  • Python (obviously!)
  • ncurses (available on most Linux systems or through Homebrew on macOS)
  • curses (a Python wrapper for ncurses)

If you’re using pip, you can install the curses package with the following command:

pip install windows-curses

Note: On Windows, you might need to use the `windows-curses` package instead of `curses`.

Creating a Basic Textbox with ncurses

Now that we have our environment set up, let’s create a basic textbox using ncurses. A textbox is a fundamental component in any terminal application, and we’ll use it as the foundation for our ESC-key-activated exit feature.

import curses

def main(stdscr):
    # Initialize the screen

    # Create a new window for the textbox
    win = curses.newwin(10, 20, 2, 2)

    # Create a textbox within the window
    textbox = curses.textbox.Textbox(win, insert_mode=True)

    # Loop until the user presses ESC
    while True:
        char =
        if char == 27:  # ESC key

    # Clean up

if __name__ == '__main__':

This code creates a basic textbox with a 10×20 character window. The textbox is placed at coordinates (2, 2) on the screen, and it has a box border around it. The `insert_mode=True` parameter allows the user to edit the text within the textbox.

Adding ESC-key functionality

Now that we have our textbox up and running, let’s add the ESC-key functionality. We’ll modify the while loop to check for the ESC key (character code 27) and exit the loop when it’s pressed.

while True:
    char =
    if char == 27:  # ESC key
    elif char == 10:  # Enter key
        # Handle Enter key press
        # Handle other key presses

In this modified loop, we check for the ESC key (char code 27) and break out of the loop when it’s pressed. We also added a conditional statement to handle the Enter key (char code 10) and other key presses.

Additional Tips and Tricks

Here are some additional tips and tricks to help you master ncurses with Python:

  • Use `curses.noecho()` to disable echoing of characters to the screen. This is particularly useful when working with passwords or sensitive information.
  • Use `curses.curs_set(0)` to make the cursor invisible. This can help reduce visual clutter and improve the overall user experience.
  • Use `curses.init_pair()` to create custom color pairs. This allows you to create visually appealing and branded terminal applications.
  • Use `curses.addstr()` to add strings to the screen. This is a powerful function that allows you to add formatted text to the screen, including colors, attributes, and more.


In this comprehensive guide, we’ve explored the world of ncurses with Python and learned how to create a basic textbox that exits when the user presses the ESC key. We’ve also covered additional tips and tricks to help you master ncurses and create stunning terminal applications.

Remember, the key to mastering ncurses is to experiment, experiment, experiment! Don’t be afraid to try new things, break things, and learn from your mistakes. With practice and patience, you’ll become a ncurses ninja in no time.

Appendix: Troubleshooting Common Issues

Here are some common issues you might encounter when working with ncurses and Python:

Issue Solution
ImportError: No module named ‘curses’ Install the curses package using pip: `pip install windows-curses` (on Windows) or `pip install curses` (on Linux/macOS)
OSError: permission denied Run the script as root or with elevated privileges: `sudo python`
AttributeError: ‘module’ object has no attribute ‘wrapper’ Make sure you’re importing the curses module correctly: `import curses`

We hope this guide has been informative and helpful. Happy coding, and don’t forget to type ESC to exit!

Frequently Asked Question

Got stuck while handling ESC keypress in ncurses with Python? Fear not, friend! We’ve got you covered with these frequently asked questions.

How do I catch the ESC keypress in ncurses with Python?

You can use the `getch()` function from the `curses` library to catch the ESC keypress. The ESC key is represented by the ASCII value 27, so you can check if the returned value is equal to 27. For example: `if curses getch() == 27: break`.

How do I exit the program when the user types ESC?

You can use the `sys` module to exit the program when the user types ESC. Simply import the `sys` module and call `sys.exit()` when the ESC key is detected. For example: `if curses.getch() == 27: sys.exit()`.

How do I handle the ESC keypress in a loop?

You can use a `while` loop to continuously check for user input and break the loop when the ESC key is detected. For example: `while True: if curses.getch() == 27: break`.

Can I use the ` keyboard` module instead of `curses`?

No, the `keyboard` module is not suitable for this purpose. While it can detect keyboard events, it is not designed for use with ncurses and may not work as expected in a terminal-based application.

What if I want to handle other keys besides ESC?

You can use a `dict` to map key presses to specific actions. For example: `key_map = {27: lambda: sys.exit(), ord(‘q’): lambda: print(“Quit!”)}; if curses.getch() in key_map: key_map[curses.getch()]()`.

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