Deleting Selected Element in a Doubly Linked List: A Step-by-Step Guide
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Deleting Selected Element in a Doubly Linked List: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Are you tired of dealing with pesky elements in your doubly linked list? Do you want to master the art of deletion? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll take you through the process of deleting a selected element in a doubly linked list, covering the concepts, steps, and code samples to get you started.

What is a Doubly Linked List?

Before we dive into the deletion process, let’s quickly review what a doubly linked list is. A doubly linked list is a data structure that consists of a sequence of nodes, each of which contains a value and references to both the previous and next nodes in the list. This allows for efficient insertion and deletion of nodes at any position in the list.

Why Delete Elements in a Doubly Linked List?

There are several reasons why you might need to delete elements in a doubly linked list:

  • Removing unnecessary or redundant data

  • Updating the list to reflect changes in the data

  • Improving memory efficiency by removing unwanted nodes

Deleting a Selected Element in a Doubly Linked List: The Steps

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s get started with the deletion process. Here are the steps to follow:

Step 1: Find the Node to be Deleted

The first step is to find the node that you want to delete. This can be done by traversing the list from the beginning or end, depending on the implementation, until you reach the desired node.

// Pseudocode example
function findNode(value) {
  current = head;
  while (current != null) {
    if (current.value == value) {
      return current;
    current =;
  return null;

Step 2: Handle the Edge Cases

Before deleting the node, we need to handle the edge cases:

  • If the node to be deleted is the head node, update the head reference to point to the next node.

  • If the node to be deleted is the tail node, update the tail reference to point to the previous node.

// Pseudocode example
if (nodeToDelete == head) {
  head =;
} else if (nodeToDelete == tail) {
  tail = tail.prev;

Step 3: Update the Adjacent Nodes

Update the previous and next nodes to point to each other, effectively bypassing the node to be deleted:

// Pseudocode example =; = nodeToDelete.prev;

Step 4: Delete the Node

Finally, delete the node from memory:

// Pseudocode example
nodeToDelete = null;

Example Implementation in C++

Here’s an example implementation of the deletion process in C++:

class Node {
  int value;
  Node* prev;
  Node* next;

  Node(int val) : value(val), prev(nullptr), next(nullptr) {}

class DoublyLinkedList {
  Node* head;
  Node* tail;

  DoublyLinkedList() : head(nullptr), tail(nullptr) {}

  void deleteNode(Node* nodeToDelete) {
    if (nodeToDelete == head) {
      head = head->next;
    } else if (nodeToDelete == tail) {
      tail = tail->prev;

    nodeToDelete->prev->next = nodeToDelete->next;
    nodeToDelete->next->prev = nodeToDelete->prev;

    delete nodeToDelete;

Here are some common scenarios and considerations to keep in mind when deleting elements in a doubly linked list:

Scenario Consideration
Deleting the head node Update the head reference to point to the next node
Deleting the tail node Update the tail reference to point to the previous node
Deleting a node in the middle Update the previous and next nodes to point to each other
Deleting multiple nodes Iterate through the list and delete nodes one by one, or use a more efficient approach like batching

Best Practices and Optimization Techniques

Here are some best practices and optimization techniques to keep in mind when deleting elements in a doubly linked list:

  • Use a sentinel node to simplify edge cases

  • Implement a garbage collector to automatically free deleted nodes

  • Use a caching mechanism to improve performance

  • Consider using a more efficient data structure, such as a singly linked list or an array, depending on the use case


Deleting a selected element in a doubly linked list may seem like a daunting task, but with the right approach, it can be a breeze. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you’ll be able to effectively delete nodes in your doubly linked list and improve the overall efficiency of your data structure.

Remember to handle edge cases, update adjacent nodes, and delete the node safely. With practice and experience, you’ll become a master of doubly linked list manipulation!

Happy coding!

Here are the 5 Questions and Answers about “Deleting a selected element in a doubly linked list”:

Frequently Asked Question

Get the scoop on how to delete a selected element in a doubly linked list without breaking a sweat!

What are the basic steps to delete a node in a doubly linked list?

To delete a node in a doubly linked list, you need to follow these basic steps: (1) find the node to be deleted, (2) adjust the previous node’s next pointer to skip the node to be deleted, (3) adjust the next node’s previous pointer to skip the node to be deleted, and (4) free the memory of the node to be deleted.

How do I handle the deletion of the head node in a doubly linked list?

When deleting the head node, you need to update the head pointer to point to the next node in the list. This is because the head node is no longer valid, and you need to adjust the head pointer to point to the new first node in the list.

What if I want to delete a node that is not the head node, but it has no previous node?

If the node to be deleted is not the head node, but it has no previous node (i.e., it’s the first node in the list), you need to update the head pointer to point to the next node in the list. This is because the node to be deleted is the first node, so you need to adjust the head pointer to point to the new first node.

Do I need to update the next node’s previous pointer when deleting a node in a doubly linked list?

Yes, you need to update the next node’s previous pointer to skip the node to be deleted. This ensures that the doubly linked list remains consistent and that the nodes are properly linked after the deletion.

What are some common pitfalls to avoid when deleting a node in a doubly linked list?

Some common pitfalls to avoid when deleting a node in a doubly linked list include forgetting to update the head pointer, not adjusting the previous and next nodes’ pointers correctly, and not freeing the memory of the node to be deleted. These mistakes can lead to list inconsistencies, memory leaks, or even crashes!