The Mysterious Case of the C++ Compiler: Unraveling the Enigma of Multiplying 2 Long Longs
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The Mysterious Case of the C++ Compiler: Unraveling the Enigma of Multiplying 2 Long Longs

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If you’re reading this, chances are you’ve stumbled upon a peculiar issue that has left you scratching your head. You’ve written what seems like a perfectly innocuous C++ program, only to be greeted by an unexpected error when attempting to multiply two long long integers. Fear not, dear programmer, for you’re not alone in this predicament. In this article, we’ll delve into the depths of the C++ compiler, uncover the root cause of this issue, and provide you with a comprehensive guide on how to overcome it.

Background: The C++ Compiler’s Gotcha

Before we dive into the solution, let’s first understand the underlying cause of this issue. In C++, the long long data type is used to represent 64-bit integers. When you multiply two long long variables, the compiler generates code that performs the multiplication using 128-bit registers. However, the resulting product is temporarily stored in a 128-bit register, which is not a standard C++ type.

This is where the problem arises. The C++ compiler, in its infinite wisdom, attempts to convert the 128-bit result to a 64-bit long long value, which leads to an overflow error. This error is often manifested as an unexpected error message, leaving you bewildered and wondering what went wrong.

Symptoms of the Issue

If you’re experiencing any of the following symptoms, it’s likely that your C++ compiler is yielding an unexpected error when multiplying 2 long longs:

  • Error messages such as “overflow in implicit constant conversion” or “integer overflow in expression”
  • Unexpected results or garbage values when multiplying two long long variables
  • Inexplicable crashes or segmentation faults when performing arithmetic operations on long long values

Diagnosing the Issue: Understanding the Compiler’s Behavior

To better comprehend the compiler’s behavior, let’s examine a simple example that illustrates the problem:

#include <iostream>

int main() {
  long long a = 1844674407370955161; // 2^64-1
  long long b = 2;
  long long result = a * b;
  std::cout << "Result: " << result << std::endl;
  return 0;

In this example, we’re attempting to multiply two long long values: a, which represents the maximum value that can be stored in a 64-bit integer (2^64-1), and b, which is simply 2. The resulting product should be 3689348814741910322, but instead, the compiler will throw an error.

The reason behind this error lies in the way the compiler generates code for the multiplication operation. When the compiler encounters the expression a * b, it generates assembly code that performs the multiplication using 128-bit registers. The resulting product is temporarily stored in a 128-bit register, which is not a standard C++ type.

Compiler Output: A Closer Look

Using the -S flag with the GCC compiler, we can examine the generated assembly code for the above example:

  pushq %rbp
  movq %rsp, %rbp
  movq $1844674407370955161, -24(%rbp)
  movq $2, -16(%rbp)
  movq -24(%rbp), %rax
  movq $0, %rdx
  imulq -16(%rbp), %rax
  movq %rax, -8(%rbp)
  movq -8(%rbp), %rax
  movq %rax, %rsi
  movl $.LC0, %edi
  movl $1, %eax
  call _ZStlsISt11char_traitsIcEERSt13basic_ostreamIcT_ES5_c @plt
  xorl %eax, %eax
  popq %rbp

In this assembly code, the compiler generates an imulq instruction to perform the multiplication. The resulting product is stored in the %rax register, which is a 64-bit register. However, the compiler attempts to store the result in a 64-bit register, which leads to an overflow error.

Solutions: Overcoming the Compiler’s Limitations

Fear not, dear programmer, for we’ve reached the solution section! There are several approaches to overcome the compiler’s limitations and successfully multiply two long long values:

Method 1: Using a Third-Party Library (e.g., Boost.Multiprecision)

One of the most straightforward solutions is to utilize a third-party library that provides robust arithmetic operations for large integers. Boost.Multiprecision is an excellent choice, as it provides a comprehensive set of classes for arbitrary-precision arithmetic.

#include <boost/multiprecision/cpp_int.hpp>

int main() {
  using namespace boost::multiprecision;
  cpp_int a = 1844674407370955161; // 2^64-1
  cpp_int b = 2;
  cpp_int result = a * b;
  std::cout << "Result: " << result << std::endl;
  return 0;

In this example, we’re using the cpp_int class from Boost.Multiprecision to perform the multiplication. This class provides arbitrary-precision arithmetic, ensuring that the result is accurate and free from overflow errors.

Method 2: Implementing Custom Multiplication

If you prefer to avoid third-party libraries, you can implement custom multiplication using standard C++ features. One approach is to use a technique called “double-double arithmetic,” which involves representing large integers as pairs of 64-bit values:

struct DoubleInt {
  uint64_t high;
  uint64_t low;

DoubleInt multiply(DoubleInt a, DoubleInt b) {
  uint64_t ah = a.high;
  uint64_t al = a.low;
  uint64_t bh = b.high;
  uint64_t bl = b.low;
  uint64_t p0 = al * bl;
  uint64_t p1 = ah * bl + al * bh;
  uint64_t p2 = ah * bh;
  DoubleInt result;
  result.high = p2 + (p1 >> 32);
  result.low = p0 + (p1 << 32);
  return result;

In this implementation, we represent large integers as pairs of 64-bit values (high and low) and perform multiplication using a combination of 64-bit arithmetic operations. The resulting product is stored in a DoubleInt structure, which can accurately represent the result.

Method 3: Using a Custom Compiler Flag (-fwrapv)

A lesser-known solution is to use a custom compiler flag, -fwrapv, which instructs the compiler to wrap around integer overflows instead of throwing an error. This approach requires careful consideration, as it can lead to unexpected behavior in certain scenarios:

gcc -fwrapv -o example example.cpp

By using this flag, the compiler will wrap around integer overflows, allowing the multiplication to succeed. However, be cautious when using this approach, as it can lead to unexpected results in certain situations.


In conclusion, the issue of the C++ compiler yielding an unexpected error when multiplying 2 long longs is a fascinating puzzle that requires a deep understanding of the compiler’s behavior and the underlying arithmetic operations. By employing one of the solutions outlined in this article, you’ll be able to overcome this limitation and perform accurate arithmetic operations on large integers.

Remember, dear programmer, that the C++ compiler is a powerful tool that requires careful consideration and attention to detail. With patience, perseverance, and a dash of creativity, you can conquer even the most obscure compiler errors and create robust, efficient, and accurate programs that showcase the true power of C++.

Frequently Asked Question

When it comes to multiplying two long longs in C++, things can get a little weird. Don’t worry, we’ve got the answers to get you back on track!

Why does my C++ compiler yield an unexpected error when multiplying two long longs?

This is likely due to the fact that the result of the multiplication is being treated as an `int` instead of a `long long`. This happens because the C++ standard specifies that the result of an arithmetic operation is determined by the “usual arithmetic conversions”, which in this case will promote the `long long` operands to `int` if it can represent the entire range of values. To fix this, you can explicitly cast one of the operands to `long long` to ensure the result is also a `long long`.

What is the “usual arithmetic conversions” rule in C++?

The “usual arithmetic conversions” is a set of rules in C++ that determines the common type of two operands in an arithmetic operation. The rules are as follows: if one operand is of type `long long`, the other operand is converted to `long long`; if one operand is of type `unsigned long long`, the other operand is converted to `unsigned long long`; if one operand is of type `long`, the other operand is converted to `long`; and so on. This means that if you’re multiplying two `long long` values, the result will be promoted to `int` if it can represent the entire range of values.

How can I explicitly cast one of the operands to long long?

You can use a static cast to explicitly cast one of the operands to `long long`. For example: `long long result = static_cast(a) * b;`. This ensures that the result of the multiplication is a `long long` value.

Will using a static cast always fix the issue?

Not always! If the result of the multiplication is too large to fit in a `long long`, you’ll still get an overflow error, even with a static cast. In this case, you’ll need to use a larger data type, such as `uint128_t` or a library that supports arbitrary-precision arithmetic.

Are there any other gotchas I should watch out for when multiplying long longs?

Yes! Be careful when multiplying `long long` values with signed and unsigned types. When you mix signed and unsigned types, the signed type will be converted to an unsigned type, which can lead to unexpected results. Also, be mindful of overflow and underflow when working with large values. It’s always a good idea to check for these conditions and handle them accordingly.

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Method Description Pros Cons
Using a Third-Party Library (e.g., Boost.Multiprecision) Utilize a third-party library that provides robust arithmetic operations for large integers. Easy to use, accurate results, and flexible. Dependent on third-party library, potential performance overhead.
Implementing Custom Multiplication