How Can I Retrieve All Users from Azure Active Directory: A Comprehensive Guide
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How Can I Retrieve All Users from Azure Active Directory: A Comprehensive Guide

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Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) is a powerful tool for managing user identities and access to various resources. As an administrator, you may need to retrieve a list of all users from Azure AD for various reasons, such as auditing, reporting, or integrating with other systems. In this article, we’ll explore the different methods to retrieve all users from Azure AD, along with step-by-step instructions and code examples.

Method 1: Using Azure Active Directory Graph Explorer

Azure Active Directory Graph Explorer is a web-based tool that allows you to explore and query the Azure AD graph. You can use Graph Explorer to retrieve a list of all users in your Azure AD tenant.

  1. Go to the Azure Active Directory Graph Explorer website () and sign in with your Azure AD credentials.
  2. Click on the “Query” button and select “Users” from the dropdown menu.
  3. In the query editor, enter the following query: ``
  4. Click on the “Run Query” button to execute the query.
  5. The results will display a list of all users in your Azure AD tenant, including their display names, email addresses, and other attributes.

Method 2: Using Azure PowerShell

Azure PowerShell is a powerful command-line tool that allows you to manage Azure resources, including Azure AD. You can use Azure PowerShell to retrieve a list of all users in your Azure AD tenant.

    # Install the Azure AD PowerShell module
    Install-Module -Name AzureAD

    # Import the Azure AD PowerShell module
    Import-Module -Name AzureAD

    # Connect to Azure AD using your credentials

    # Retrieve a list of all users in your Azure AD tenant
    Get-AzureADUser -All $true

The `Get-AzureADUser` cmdlet retrieves a list of all users in your Azure AD tenant, including their display names, email addresses, and other attributes. The `-All $true` parameter specifies that you want to retrieve all users, rather than just a subset.

Method 3: Using Microsoft Graph API

Microsoft Graph API is a RESTful API that allows you to access Azure AD data, including users. You can use Microsoft Graph API to retrieve a list of all users in your Azure AD tenant.

    # Send a GET request to the Microsoft Graph API

    # Include an authorization header with a valid access token
    Authorization: Bearer 

The `` endpoint retrieves a list of all users in your Azure AD tenant, including their display names, email addresses, and other attributes. You’ll need to include an authorization header with a valid access token to authenticate your request.

Method 4: Using Azure CLI

Azure CLI is a command-line tool that allows you to manage Azure resources, including Azure AD. You can use Azure CLI to retrieve a list of all users in your Azure AD tenant.

    # Install the Azure CLI extension for Azure AD
    az extension add --name azure-ad

    # Login to Azure using your credentials
    az login

    # Retrieve a list of all users in your Azure AD tenant
    az ad user list --query "[].{displayName,email/userPrincipalName}"

The `az ad user list` command retrieves a list of all users in your Azure AD tenant, including their display names and email addresses. The `–query` parameter specifies the attributes you want to retrieve.

Method 5: Using C# and Microsoft Graph SDK

If you’re building a .NET application, you can use the Microsoft Graph SDK to retrieve a list of all users from Azure AD.

    using Microsoft.Graph;
    using System;
    using System.Net.Http.Headers;

    // Create a new instance of the Microsoft Graph client
    var graphClient = new GraphServiceClient(
        new DelegateAuthenticationProvider(
            async (requestMessage) =>
                // Add an authorization header with a valid access token
                requestMessage.Headers.Authorization =
                    new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", "");

    // Retrieve a list of all users from Azure AD
    var users = await graphClient

    // Iterate over the list of users
    foreach (var user in users)
        Console.WriteLine($"Display Name: {user.DisplayName}, Email: {user.UserPrincipalName}");

The Microsoft Graph SDK provides a convenient way to access Azure AD data from a .NET application. You’ll need to authenticate your request using an access token and then retrieve the list of users using the `Users.Request().GetAsync()` method.

Comparison of Methods

Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages. Here’s a summary:

Method Advantages Disadvantages
Azure Active Directory Graph Explorer Easy to use, no coding required Limited functionality, only retrieves a list of users
Azure PowerShell Powerful command-line tool, flexible and customizable Requires PowerShell installation and Azure AD module
Microsoft Graph API RESTful API, flexible and customizable, supports multiple programming languages Requires API key or access token, may require additional coding
Azure CLI Powerful command-line tool, flexible and customizable Requires Azure CLI installation and Azure AD extension
C# and Microsoft Graph SDK Convenient way to access Azure AD data from .NET applications, supports multiple programming languages Requires .NET development environment, may require additional coding


In this article, we’ve explored five different methods to retrieve a list of all users from Azure Active Directory. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages, and the choice of method depends on your specific requirements and preferences. Whether you’re an administrator, developer, or power user, you can use one or more of these methods to retrieve a list of all users from Azure AD.

Remember to always follow best practices and security guidelines when working with Azure AD data, and be mindful of any limitations or restrictions that may apply to your Azure AD tenant.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask in the comments section below. Happy coding!

Last updated: [Current Date]

Keywords: Azure Active Directory, Azure AD, retrieve all users, Graph Explorer, Azure PowerShell, Microsoft Graph API, Azure CLI, C#, Microsoft Graph SDK

Frequently Asked Question

Got stuck while retrieving users from Azure Active Directory? Worry not, we’ve got you covered! Here are the answers to the most frequently asked questions about retrieving all users from Azure Active Directory.

How can I retrieve all users from Azure Active Directory using Azure Portal?

To retrieve all users from Azure Active Directory using Azure Portal, follow these steps: Sign in to the Azure portal ( > Navigate to Azure Active Directory > Click on “Users” > Click on “All users” to view the list of all users in your Azure AD.

How can I retrieve all users from Azure Active Directory using Azure AD Graph API?

To retrieve all users from Azure Active Directory using Azure AD Graph API, send an HTTP GET request to the endpoint{tenantId}/users?api-version=1.6, where {tenantId} is your Azure AD tenant ID. This will return a list of all users in your Azure AD.

How can I retrieve all users from Azure Active Directory using Microsoft Graph API?

To retrieve all users from Azure Active Directory using Microsoft Graph API, send an HTTP GET request to the endpoint This will return a list of all users in your Azure AD. You can also use the $filter query parameter to filter the results based on specific criteria.

How can I retrieve all users from Azure Active Directory using PowerShell?

To retrieve all users from Azure Active Directory using PowerShell, use the Get-AzureADUser cmdlet. This cmdlet returns a list of all users in your Azure AD. You can also use the -Filter parameter to filter the results based on specific criteria.

What are the permissions required to retrieve all users from Azure Active Directory?

To retrieve all users from Azure Active Directory, you need to have the necessary permissions. For Azure Portal, you need to be a Global Administrator or have the “User Administrator” role. For Azure AD Graph API and Microsoft Graph API, you need to have the “User.Read.All” or “User.ReadWrite.All” permission. For PowerShell, you need to have the necessary Azure AD permissions and the Azure AD PowerShell module installed.

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