Installing MarkLogic Unit Test Without Modules Database: A Step-by-Step Guide
Image by Livie -

Installing MarkLogic Unit Test Without Modules Database: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Are you tired of struggling with unit testing in MarkLogic? Do you find yourself stuck in a labyrinth of modules and databases? Fear not, dear developer! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll show you how to install MarkLogic unit test without modules database, and have you writing tests like a pro in no time.

What is MarkLogic Unit Test?

MarkLogic unit test is a testing framework designed specifically for MarkLogic applications. It allows developers to write and run unit tests for their XQuery code, ensuring that their code is robust, reliable, and performs as expected. With MarkLogic unit test, you can:

  • Write unit tests for your XQuery code
  • Run tests against your MarkLogic database
  • Get instant feedback on your code’s performance
  • Improve code quality and reduce bugs

Why Install MarkLogic Unit Test Without Modules Database?

Modules databases can be cumbersome and difficult to manage, especially in large-scale MarkLogic projects. By installing MarkLogic unit test without modules database, you can:

  • Avoid database clutter and complexity
  • Reduce the risk of database errors and conflicts
  • Focus on writing high-quality code, not managing databases
  • Streamline your development process and improve productivity


Before we dive into the installation process, make sure you have the following:

  • A MarkLogic server installation (version 9 or later)
  • An IDE or text editor of your choice (e.g., IntelliJ, Visual Studio Code, etc.)
  • A basic understanding of XQuery and MarkLogic

Step 1: Create a New Project in MarkLogic

To install MarkLogic unit test without modules database, we’ll create a new project in MarkLogic. Follow these steps:

  1. Open MarkLogic and navigate to the “Project” section
  2. Click “Create New Project” and give your project a name (e.g., “My Unit Test Project”)
  3. Choose a location for your project and click “Create”

Step 2: Create a New Test Suite

Next, we’ll create a new test suite in our project. This will hold our unit tests:

  1. In the Project section, click on the “Test Suites” tab
  2. Click “Create New Test Suite” and give your test suite a name (e.g., “My Unit Tests”)
  3. Select “XQuery” as the test language and click “Create”

Step 3: Install MarkLogic Unit Test

Now, we’ll install MarkLogic unit test using the MarkLogic Package Manager (MLPM). Follow these steps:

  1. Open the MarkLogic Query Console and type the following command:
mlpm install marklogic-unit-test
  1. Press Enter to execute the command
  2. Wait for the installation to complete

Step 4: Configure MarkLogic Unit Test

We’ll need to configure MarkLogic unit test to point to our new test suite. Follow these steps:

  1. Open the MarkLogic Query Console and type the following command:
import module namespace unittest = "" at "/marklogic/unit-test.xqy";
  1. Press Enter to execute the command
  2. Type the following command to set the test suite:
unittest:set-test-suite("My Unit Tests")

Step 5: Write Your First Unit Test

Now that MarkLogic unit test is installed and configured, let’s write our first unit test! Create a new XQuery file in your IDE or text editor:

xquery version "1.0-ml";

import module namespace unittest = "" at "/marklogic/unit-test.xqy";

unittest:test("My First Unit Test",

Save the file with a `.xqy` extension (e.g., `my-first-test.xqy`).

Step 6: Run Your Unit Test

Let’s run our unit test using MarkLogic unit test. Follow these steps:

  1. Open the MarkLogic Query Console and navigate to the directory where you saved your test file
  2. Type the following command to run the test:

Press Enter to execute the command. You should see the test results indicating that your test has passed!

Test Name Result
My First Unit Test PASSED


And that’s it! You’ve successfully installed MarkLogic unit test without modules database. You can now write and run unit tests for your XQuery code, ensuring that your MarkLogic application is robust, reliable, and performs as expected.

Remember to keep practicing and experimenting with MarkLogic unit test. With this comprehensive guide, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a unit testing master!

Happy testing, and don’t forget to share your experiences with the MarkLogic community!

Frequently Asked Questions

Get ready to unleash the power of MarkLogic unit testing without modules database!

Can I install MarkLogic Unit Test without creating a modules database?

Yes, you can! MarkLogic Unit Test can be installed without creating a modules database. However, keep in mind that you won’t be able to use the test framework’s advanced features, such as test data storage and retrieval. But if you’re looking for a simple, lightweight testing solution, this installation method is a great option.

What are the benefits of installing MarkLogic Unit Test without modules database?

There are several benefits to installing MarkLogic Unit Test without modules database! For one, it’s a much simpler and faster installation process. You’ll also avoid the overhead of maintaining a separate database just for testing. Plus, you can still write and run unit tests for your MarkLogic applications, which is essential for ensuring their quality and reliability.

Will I still be able to write unit tests for my MarkLogic application code?

Absolutely! MarkLogic Unit Test allows you to write unit tests for your MarkLogic application code, even without a modules database. You can write tests for your XQuery, JavaScript, and Server-Side JavaScript code, ensuring that your application logic is correct and functions as expected.

Can I still use the MarkLogic Unit Test framework’s built-in assertions and test runners?

Yes, you can still use the MarkLogic Unit Test framework’s built-in assertions and test runners, even without a modules database. The framework provides a range of assertions for verifying the behavior of your code, as well as test runners that allow you to execute your tests and view the results.

Are there any limitations to keep in mind when installing MarkLogic Unit Test without modules database?

Yes, there are some limitations to keep in mind. Without a modules database, you won’t be able to store and retrieve test data, which means you’ll need to provide test data manually or use an external data source. Additionally, some advanced features of the test framework, such as test data injection and test result storage, won’t be available. But for simple unit testing needs, this installation method is still a great option.